

What is Support Coordination?

At Interchange Australia, your support coordinator will connect you with the services you need within your community, to reach your goals and get the most out of your NDIS plan.

The NDIA has a three-tiered approach to funded Support Coordination

  1. Support Connection
    Participants are assisted to implement their plan and connect with their supports. Strengthening your ability to connect with informal, mainstream and funded support, increase your capacity to maintain support relationships, resolve service delivery issues, participate independently in managing your NDIS supports and plans.
  2. Support Coordination
    Strengthening your abilities to connect to and coordinate informal, mainstream and funded support in a complex service delivery environment. Including resolving points of crisis, developing capacity and resilience within your support networks and coordinating supports from a range of service providers who may be required to help you meet your needs and goals e.g. behaviour support; speech therapy; occupational therapy; physiotherapy.
  3. Specialist Support Coordination – Time limited to a maximum of 12 months.
    The highest tier of support set within a therapeutic framework, necessitated by specific high level risks within a person’s situation. Focusing on addressing high risk/complex barriers and reducing complexity in the support environment, while assisting you to connect with appropriate supports and services. Interchange Australia has a dedicated NDIS Case Consultant employed to assist you with the delivery of support linked to this NDIS support cluster. Coordination of Support will only be provided by Interchange Australia when there is capacity to accept the referral.

How do I access Interchange Australia for Support Coordination?

  1. Arrange to meet with your NDIA Planner to discuss what level of Coordination of Support you require to be included in your plan.
  2. Request and complete your referral form and send it to Interchange Australia. This can be completed by; you, your support planner, NDIA Local Area Coordinator (LAC), family or other representative.
  3. Our NDIS Support Coordinator will contact the you or your representative within three working days of receipt to confirm that Interchange Australia will work with you or to explain why Interchange Australia is unable to accept your referral.
  4. Interchange Australia does not maintain a waiting list/need register for Coordination of Support services.
  5. If Interchange Australia does not have immediate capacity to accept your referral you or the person making your referral will be notified within 3 working days.

*Interchange Australia is registered through the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) to provide Coordination of Support.