There are no limitations on what can be achieved by anyone who puts their mind to it!
By Interchange Australia Marketing Coordinator Kelly Taylor
Interchange Australia runs a large range of programs focused around participants achieving both NDIS and personal goals. Many of these programs cross over with one another which helps our participants understand how each activity they take part in has a flow on effect in various other areas of life. Amongst these programs there is Be My Best which covers a range of different topics throughout the year addressing key issues one might experience throughout life. We help our participants with learning communication and social skills in various settings, how they can contribute to the community and we also cover topics like hygiene, personal care and safety.
In this particular story Be My Best ties in with another program run through Interchange Australia called Working Wonders – where we have been looking at how we can recycle and upcycle various materials from around the home and how this can not only benefit ourselves but also our friends, family and the environment.
Courtney has taken a very keen interest in the Recycling/Upcycling program and has even extended this interest to her home life!
Since commencing this program, Courtney has started to search social media pages for unwanted items that she can turn into something useful and has also been encouraging everyone at home and all participants of Interchange Australia to collect their cans and bottles for the return and earn program, and is also looking at creating new from old items that she can sell on market place.
When Courtney was asked what she plans to do with all the money she makes from this, she replied with “Well I would like to buy a coffee machine for the Day Programs house in Goulburn that we can all use, and I also want to buy some birthday cakes for my friends who missed out on their birthdays while we were in lockdown”. First cake shared amongst everyone was a Chocolate Cheese Cake!
Courtney has made planter boxes, paint stands and much more with items most people would throw away. Join us as we follow Courtney in the future and see what other old items she brings back to life!
At Interchange Australia our programs are designed to inspire our participants to find their interests, set their goals and grow. There are no limitations on what can be achieved by anyone who puts their mind to it!
If you would like to know more about some of the programs offered across our Interchange Australia locations give us a call on 02 4868 6688 or email us at