Thank you Interchange for everything you do, you make my days great!
By Interchange Australia Marketing Coordinator Kelly Taylor.
I spend my days surrounded by good people who I call my friends at Springett House.
While my disability might limit me from being able to travel long distances I still get the chance to experience new things and discover places through Interchange Australia’s wonderful Day Options programs.
My name is Colin Bush, but I like people to call me “Sir”. I have made so many friends since coming to Interchange Australia and I look forward to every day that I get to do new and fun things like art, craft, gardening, cooking, visits to the library, movies and coffee shops.
On nice days, I like playing cricket and mostly I just enjoy getting to know everyone and all the learning experiences we share each day. I really like working on projects like furniture restoration in a program called working wonders, I did not think I could ever use a sander or glue gun, but I did it and I got my part of the project done. We have restored drawers that we sold to buy a new cage for our pet birds and made a bird feeder and birdhouse that we now have in the Springett House Garden for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you Interchange for everything you do, you make my days great!